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Ride home

Even if my english is not that good I want to write some posts in english for english speaking readers.
The ride was fantastic BUT I noticed already in the morning on my ride to work that the railroad crossings at high speed are neckbreakers :-)
I think I should reduce when crossing... I have to talk to Stephan if my WAW can handle these crossings.
It was very unpleasant one time at 55km/h... okay it is not highspeed but also not slow!

My next ride will be on Saturday or Sunday I guess. Maybe I will get my son from kindergarden with our BubbleBob (E-Heavy-Bike) one or two times this week. It depends on the weather...

I wish you a nice week.
Thanks for reading

And here are the evaluations from Apple Watch and Strava.
I am still looking for a better Tracking App than Strava

Do not hesitate to write a comment. Would be happy about the first comment!


  1. Well, why not make someone happy? Here's your first comment...........About the Strava, did you consider Endomondo? I know Søren Flensted Møller in Denmark is using that. Looks fine to me......but I don't use both, so I can't advise you.
    Sorry about the English comment, my German isn't good enough.

    Greetings from Norway,

    Adri. (Quattrovelo 42)

  2. Thanks a lot
    you made my day ;-)
    I will check Endomondo
    In future I will try to post in english

    1. No, you don't need to post in English, I can read and understand German, but I only having trouble to write in German, I only had 2 years of German lessons in secundary school. My childhood was in the Netherlands, and there were some houses in our street bought by Germans as a vacantionhouse, due to the short distance to the beach. So I heard a lot of German in my youth, and managed to talk the language a bit too, but after moving to Norway we had to learn Norwegian, and the German disappeared...........


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D: Es ist so unglaublich schön bestimmte Dinge zu sehen. Es ist auch wunderschön bestimmte Dinge zu hören. Ich werde auch hier ein kurzes Video posten dass Du Dir weiter unten anschauen kannst. Die einzigen Lebewesen die unseren Planeten zu einem manchmal nicht so tollen Ort machen sind wir Menschen. Dazu gehören auch bestimmte Geräusche wie die von Autohupen. Wenn Du an mir vorbeifährst kannst Du mir gerne winken oder mir den Vogel zeigen. Du kannst auch gerne Deine Hupe benutzen, aber BITTE etwas hinter mir oder etwas vor mir. Der Menschenverstand sollte uns sagen dass Autohupen nicht ohne Grund eine bestimmte Lautstärke haben. Ist eine sehr unangenehme Sache wenn Du genau neben mir bist. Solltest Du es mal versuchen wollen dann setz Dich neben Dein Auto und ersuche jemanden zu hupen. Wie gesagt habe ich nichts dagegen Deinen Gestiken freien Lauf zu lassen. Ich bin niemandem böse der/die mir den Vogel zeigt. Aber die Huperei nervt... Aber ich kann ja Gott sei Dank zurückhupen. Nu

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Nice ride but very hard because of wind

Swim Training on Monday 5th of August 2019

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